Working as a team, we will create a solution-oriented plan of action to help your child accomplish their goals.


Stacia Tauscher, Author

“We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today.”


1. Building Rapport

As an experienced practitioner, my first priority in therapy is to build mutual respect and understanding with your family, and most importantly your child. Gaining a teen’s trust and respect is vital to the success of any therapeutic relationship. A wealth of life and professional experience provides me the ability to connect with a wide range of clients.


2. Problem Solving

I will provide the framework for your child to process and understand the scope, depth and nature of his/her problem. Together we will explore new options and opportunities for growth and development.  Along the way, we will identify your child’s interests, capabilities, and strengths.


3. Learning & Practice

Based on our mutually agreed upon action plan, your child will learn and practice skills to navigate challenges independently. Learning new ways to communicate, behave, and think empowers teens to solve the most difficult life problems. Together we will learn and practice:

  • Relaxation techniques

  • Accepting an alternative viewpoint or perspective

  • Assertive communication

  • Realistic self-reflection and self-perception


4. Mastery & Maintain

Mastery over problems builds confidence, character, and greater independence. Ultimately, your child will become his/her own coach to handle life‘s challenges using newly learned life practices. With confidence and a new curiosity for life, your child will begin to search deeper inwardly and reach further outwardly into the world.

You can learn more about therapy by reading my Informed Consent Form Available HERE.